
Research Budgets

Contact: Joanne Walsh Crowley

Director of Operations & Clinical Trials

Typically research funding application will require a summary and justification of the costs and duration associated with the project. This budget will need to reflect the scale and nature of the proposed research and typically reviewers will thoroughly assess the level of funds and timeframe requested when reviewing any proposal.

The HRB CRF-UCC team have vast experience in developing budgets for research funding applications and will be able to assist you to provide a full detailed breakdown of costings and justification for items such as:

  1. Personnel costs (Salary, Employer’s PRSI, Employer Pension Contribution, etc.)
  2. Running Costs
  3. Equipment
  4. Dissemination Costs
  5. Overhead Contribution

Applications for funding will also typically require approval from the Host University authorised signatory. In UCC this is the Vice President of Research and Innovation. The HRB CRF-UCC team have developed strong working relationships with the UCC Office of the Vice President of Research and Innovation and can facilitate all of your interactions with this office to ensure the approval process is seamless.

The HRB CRF-UCC Staff can assist you will these elements of the application process.
Please contact Joanne Walsh Crowley (HRB CRF-C Interim Director)


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In light of the Covid-19 situation, in advance of attending for a scheduled patient visit, please confirm the visit with your research nurse.