
Clinical Trial Design

Contact: Joanne Walsh Crowley

Director of Operations & Clinical Trials

The Clinical Research Facility at UCC provides an advisory and consultation service for Academic/Clinical Investigators who wish to apply for research funding and/or carry out patient focused research.

The HRB CRF-UCC can provide guidance on questions relating to study design and conduct. The HRB CRF-UCC is dedicated to the promotion of clinical trials as a method of evaluation of preventive and therapeutic approaches to health problems. The goal of this consulting service is to provide intellectual and methodological input into clinical research studies being developed by clinical investigators affiliated with UCC. Our in house methodological expertise, including lead members of the HRB Trial Methodology Research Network, ensure the use of the most appropriate study design, justifiable sample size and effective analytic strategy.

Areas covered by the HRB CRF-UCC clinical trial design and methodology consulting service include:

  • Help in identifying appropriate study design, which is not restricted to clinical (randomised) trials
  • Input into protocol development, including eligibility criteria, definition of interventions, randomisation, outcome measurement, stopping rules, etc.

Please contact Joanne Walsh Crowley (HRB CRF-UCC Interim Director)


Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In light of the Covid-19 situation, in advance of attending for a scheduled patient visit, please confirm the visit with your research nurse.