[R workshop] 3-day course for beginners
[R workshop]
3-day workshop for beginners
Friday 15th – Sunday 17th March
Limited places
As part of a University College Cork Teaching & Learning Research and Enhancement Fund, we are delighted to offer a 3-day introduction to the statistical language R. This course is free to attend and will take place in the Cooperage Building on the North Mall Campus of UCC from Friday 15th March to Sunday 17th March. No previous experience of R is expected. The course will cover data handling, data visualization, reproducible research, project-oriented workflows, and statistics with a focus on the R language. For more information please click here.
The teachers are Dr Enrico Pirotta (https://labs.wsu.edu/leslie-new/people/), Dr Brendan Palmer (https://www.ucc.ie/en/publichealth/people/estaff/drbrendanpalmer/) and Dr Adam Kane (https://people.ucd.ie/adam.kane).
Please email ucc.statistics.course@gmail.com with your expression of interest as spaces on the course will be limited to ~ 30 people. We look forward to hearing from you.