
Introduction to the Design and Conduct of Randomised Trials Study Day

Posted on:11 Sep 2015

Cystic Fibrosis Research Award

This event is targeted at individuals involved or interested in the area of clinical trials and wish to learn more about the basics of trial design and conduct. Invited speakers include representatives from the Clinical Research Facilities / Centres and the Irish Clinical Research Trial Network (ICTRN). Please see a flyer attached. We will shortly circulate an updated programme and speakers list.

Attendance fee is €100 (€50 for unsalaried students – proof required) including tea / coffee and lunch. On-line registration is available here.

More information is here Introduction to Design and Conduct of Randomised Trials

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In light of the Covid-19 situation, in advance of attending for a scheduled patient visit, please confirm the visit with your research nurse.